• 16 Commons Blvd
  • Seneca, SC 29678

Unexpected Risks of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a type of dental infection that affects the mouth’s gum tissue. It can cause gum bleeding, tooth sensitivity and pain when chewing, and if you don’t get periodontal therapy in Seneca in a timely manner, it can lead to further dental complications like tooth loss.

To help you understand the importance of treating your gum disease before it advances, we came up with this article explaining the unknown risks of gingivitis.

Periodontal Therapy in Seneca Prevents Receding Gums

Why Is Stopping Gum Disease So Important?

Gum disease is a dangerous infection that damages the tissues holding teeth in place. It usually begins with gingivitis, which is brought on by improper oral hygiene and manifests as swollen, red, and bleeding gums.

Gingivitis can develop into periodontitis if treatment is not received, harming the soft tissue surrounding teeth and possibly resulting in tooth loss.

The following are the long-term risks of untreated, periodontal disease:

In addition, advanced periodontal disease can exacerbate chronic inflammatory diseases like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease by promoting systemic inflammation.

And if that was not enough, some research indicates that because periodontal disease causes healthy cells to senescence, it increases the risk of oral carcinoma.

Heart Pain Causing by not Getting Periodontal Therapy in Seneca

Get Periodontal Therapy in Seneca

No illness, it’s better left alone, and dental conditions aren’t the exception. Without proper care, issues like gum disease can develop further and even get dangerous bacteria into your blood flow that has the potential of hampering other biological systems. Remember that your teeth are very close to your brain, so avoiding this is crucial.

If you suspect you suffer from gum disease, and haven’t been able to get rid of it, reach out! Here at Hood Family Dentistry, we’re a qualified team trained to tackle any oral disease with dedication.

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Hood Family Dentistry