• 16 Commons Blvd
  • Seneca, SC 29678

Tooth Colored Fillings | What Are Tooth Colored Fillings?

Do you know what tooth colored fillings are for? If you have a chipped tooth or cavities, your dentist will restore the structure of your tooth through fillings. Back in the days, metal fillings were widely used to fix chips, cracks, and cavities. It was the ideal material used in fillings because of its unmatched durability. However, over time, and as science and technology improved, various new options have been introduced and one of those is a tooth colored fillings.

These have become so popular that people are choosing it over metal fillings due to its aesthetic appeal. So, you don’t have to worry about people noticing it!

What’s There To Love About Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Dental Surgery

Fast Treatment

Tooth colored fillings are a painless and fast procedure. In fact, the usual time frame is less than an hour if your dentist is going to be treating at least one to two cavities.

In this procedure, your dentist will numb your gums with local anesthesia to keep you comfortable and relaxed. Once the anesthesia kicks in (between ten to fifteen minutes), the treatment will begin. If you have cavities, these will be removed first and your tooth will be disinfected.

The tooth-colored resin will be placed into the cavity which is now hollow due to the decay. The composite resin is shaped and sculpted to the natural contours of your teeth so you can bite normally. A curing light is then used to harden it.

Aesthetically Pleasing


In terms of aesthetics, tooth colored fillings get the upper hand. Silver and gold fillings are so glaring that when you open your mouth people will instantly notice them due to their obvious shade. Meanwhile, tooth colored fillings are designed in such a way that even when you yawn, speak, or laugh, no one will be able to tell you have them.



Did you know that if you religiously and carefully take good care of your teeth and gums, your fillings can last for more than a decade? How can you ensure that they last this long? Well, it’s easy. You just have to listen to your dentist and follow his advice.

When you brush, do it twice a day for two minutes every day. Flossing is also mandatory, but once is enough. Regular dental visits are also crucial to remove plaque and tartar in hard-to-reach areas. Furthermore, it’s important that you stay away from sugary and starchy foods as these contribute to cavity formation.


Do You Want Tooth Colored Fillings?

Everyone wants a beautiful smile. We’re sure you do too. If you are interested in tooth colored fillings and you want to know how much they cost, you can ask us and we’ll address your concerns. At Hood Family Dentistry, we strive to provide you with exceptional dental care. Our patients have trusted us from the very beginning and have continued to do so even today. If you need routine checkups or a full-mouth restoration, you can count on us. Give us a call and we’ll help you achieve your dream smile.

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