Athletic Mouthguards
Athletic Mouthguards
Taking care of your teeth shouldn’t only include cleaning them. Yes, brushing and flossing are important, but you can only do that if you have teeth in your mouth! All it takes is one bad bump or fall during a sporting event and you could be left without one or multiple teeth. That can be quite a pain, both literally and figuratively. The great news is that you can help prevent this with athletic mouthguards.
With high-contact sports like football or hockey, or sports like soccer or basketball where a flailing elbow could connect at random, it’s important to be prepared to save your smile from needing restorative dentistry. At Hood Family Dentistry, we can fit you with a high-quality athletic mouthguard. You can play sports with the peace of mind that your teeth are safer.
What is an Athletic Mouthguard?
You dive for the loose ball and suddenly you see a hand, elbow, or foot moving toward your face in slow motion. While the impact is going to be painful either way, these preventative devices can prevent damage such as broken teeth and cut lips.
They are typically worn on your top teeth; however, you can also get a mouthguard for your bottom row as well. These will usually be recommended for those who have dental bridges or braces.
There are a few different types of mouthguards, but if you’re looking for the best protection, a custom-made mouthguard is going to be your best choice. If you decide on a custom one, we will make an impression of your teeth, so you end up getting a perfect fit. It will end up giving your teeth the best protection possible.
What’s the Difference Between a Night Guard and an Athletic Guard?
Night guards and athletic guards are not the same thing. They are created differently to serve different purposes. An athletic mouthguard is used to prevent injury from an outside source, such as a body part, ball, or other piece of sporting equipment.
Night guards are meant to assist with bruxism, which is the constant grinding of your teeth when you sleep. While bruxism can lead to some serious consequences if not treated, it’s not exactly the same as trying to withstand a highly forceful impact.
When Should I Replace My Mouthguards?
After you’ve received a mouthguard, that doesn’t mean you can just keep using it forever. It’s important to have it replaced after every season. The more you use it, the less effective it will be.
Children especially need to get their mouthguards replaced often as their entire facial structure is still changing and growing. A mouthguard that is too small can weaken its effectiveness.
Are You Looking for Athletic Mouthguards?
In sports, players wear all types of protective equipment, including padding, helmets, and braces. There are many, however, who fail to use mouthguards to protect their teeth.
Don’t leave the health of your teeth up to chance on the field! At Hood Family Dentistry, we provide our patients with what they need to keep their smile in terrific shape – even after a hard hit. If you’re interested in getting an athletic mouthguard, contact us today to schedule an appointment.