• 16 Commons Blvd
  • Seneca, SC 29678

Signs It’s Time to Change Your Tooth Colored Fillings

Even with the best oral hygiene routine, cavities can occur. When this happens, a simple visit to the dentist can have you leaving our doors with a new, healthy smile, ready to go back to eating all your favorite foods with ease. Sadly, the material we use to cover restorations doesn’t last forever, and your tooth colored fillings in 29678 may suffer damage over time. 

When a dental filling breaks, prompt replacement is fundamental to prevent further damage. Food and other debris can enter the most vulnerable part of your teeth, fostering decay and causing discomfort. To prevent that, here are five signs to look out for.  

Illustration of Tooth Colored Fillings in 29678 Replacement

Can My Tooth Colored Fillings Break? 

A frequently asked question about fillings is whether or not they break, and the answer is yes. Composite resin dental fillings can break over time. The natural wear and tear of your constant chewing notions can lead to erosion, which affects your fillings as much as your natural teeth. 

5 signs to look out for that may indicate a broken filling include: 

  • Increased sensibility in the area. 
  • Visual signs of damage. 
  • Bad breath or a constant foul taste in your mouth. 
  • Floss shredding when you try to pass it between your teeth. This only happens when there’s a tough filling on the side of a tooth. 

Men Checking the State of His Tooth Colored Fillings in 29678

Change Your Tooth Colored Fillings in 29678  

With these guidelines, you should be able to identify whether or not your filling is still in top condition. If unsure, a quick visit to Hood Family Dentistry can help you solve your doubts. As the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry! 

Prompt identification of a cavity can be the difference between needing a simple tooth colored filling replacement or an intricate root canal treatment coupled with a dental crown. So, if you suspect you have a filling that needs replacement, reach out! 

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