• 16 Commons Blvd
  • Seneca, SC 29678

Are Dental Bridges Really a Good Idea?

When you lose a tooth or two, your dentist will present to you a lot of options. This is also one reason why you should be acquainted with the different dental procedures so you can steer clear of dental anxiety. One option that your dentist may give you is a bridge in Seneca. Here are a few things that you should know about dental bridges.

Dentist In Gloves Showing Dental Tooth Bridges in Seneca

Benefits of Getting Dental Bridges 

Prevent Teeth from Moving 

Your dental bridges keep your natural teeth in place. Filling in the gums along your gum line with a restorative element like dental bridges allows your natural teeth to be less likely to drift and become lose. Your teeth will be held in place by strong roots under your gum’s surface.  

Improve Speaking 

Losing multiple teeth could mean having difficulty pronouncing certain words or speaking with a lisp. You should know that your teeth play a vital role in how you form words in your mouth. Dental bridges can help resolve speech issues caused by tooth loss. For sure, you will never want to get disrupted speech, so better consult your dentist immediately. 

Enhance Chewing 

After losing teeth, you might experience difficulty or pain while eating your favorite food. This could be caused by surrounding teeth shifting toward the open space. To permanently alleviate this pain, your dentist will recommend investing on a dental bridge treatment. Eating shouldn’t cause you pain on a regular basis. 

Dentist Testing Patients Bridges in Seneca

Are You Ready to Get Your Dental Bridges in Seneca? 

When it comes to getting dental bridges, Hood Family Dentistry is one place to go. We provide three different types of dental bridges to ensure you get what you really need. Every member of our team is dedicated to providing high-quality dental care. Should you want to set an appointment, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

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Hood Family Dentistry