• 16 Commons Blvd
  • Seneca, SC 29678

Unexpected Risks of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a type of dental infection that affects the mouth’s gum tissue. It can cause gum bleeding, tooth sensitivity and pain when chewing, and if you don’t get periodontal therapy in Seneca in a timely manner, it can lead to further dental complications like tooth loss. To help you understand the importance of … Continued

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

While your teeth’s enamel is one of the toughest materials in your body, it’s not immune from all cracks and damage. Fortunately, dental sealants in Seneca can help protect your tooth’s surface from damage.   Dental sealants can produce a smooth, easier-to-clean surface, preventing tooth decay and other bacteria from entering your teeth. If you want … Continued

Does Fluoride Treatment Strengthen Teeth?

Fluoride is known to strengthen teeth and stop them from deteriorating. While naturally occurring fluoride provides these benefits, does the same apply to fluoride treatments in Seneca? This article will explore fluoride usage’s effects from various sources.   Facts About Fluoride Treatments   In-Office Fluoride Treatment   While experts believe that the best way to prevent cavities is … Continued

Fast Facts About Porcelain Veneers  

While veneers are a great way to improve your smile, choosing the suitable material for your veneers isn’t easy. Whether you’re looking to get veneers made of porcelain or resin, both options will help improve your oral health and appearance. However, if you’re looking to learn more about porcelain veneers in Seneca, here are some … Continued

3 Reasons Dental Sealants May be Right for Your Kids

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Protect Your Teeth While Playing Your Favorite Sports

Have you ever noticed how much you clench your teeth while you do your workout? There’s no denying that exercising benefits your health, but if you don’t take precautions, it might damage your teeth. If you are a sports enthusiast who wears athletic mouthguards in 29678, you should know how to make an effort to take … Continued

Are Implants More Preferable Than Dentures?

A partial or full denture is typically used to treat patients who have lost multiple teeth. Thanks to our social media campaign run by our friends from The Marketing Heaven, dental implants in 29678 are becoming more popular as people seek to reclaim their ability to chew, eat, and smile confidently. Despite its higher budget, implants are a better long-term solution for … Continued

Hood Family Dentistry