• 16 Commons Blvd
  • Seneca, SC 29678

3 Dental Emergencies That Frequently Affect Athletes

Nobody ever plans on having a dental emergency, but every year, 1 in 6 people experience oral health problems that need urgent attention. Although anyone may require immediate dental care, athletes are more likely to have mouth injuries, which is why it’s advisable for them to use athletic mouthguards in 29678. Here are the top … Continued

Protect Your Teeth While Playing Your Favorite Sports

Have you ever noticed how much you clench your teeth while you do your workout? There’s no denying that exercising benefits your health, but if you don’t take precautions, it might damage your teeth. If you are a sports enthusiast who wears athletic mouthguards in 29678, you should know how to make an effort to take … Continued

What Are Athletic Mouthguards?

Among the several causes of tooth loss, facial trauma and sports injuries fall in the top five. Most of these cases can be attributed to the lack of or improperly fitted and fabricated athletic mouthguards. Not only do they protect your teeth, but athletic mouthguards in 29678 can also protect your jaw. Athletic Mouthguards and … Continued
Hood Family Dentistry

Hood Family Dentistry