• 16 Commons Blvd
  • Seneca, SC 29678

Top 2 Reasons to Keep Your Teeth Clean at All Times

Your dental health should be one of your many priorities. Apart from professional teeth cleanings in Seneca, there are already many ways to keep your teeth clean and white. It’s imperative to maintain the appearance of your teeth for so many reasons.    If you still think that cleaning your teeth is only a daily responsibility, here are … Continued

3 Reasons Dental Sealants May be Right for Your Kids

Wann lГ¤uft cialis patent aus Die maximale Dosis pro Woche liegt bei sieben ZГpfchen. Wann lГ¤uft cialis patent aus viagra fГr Verkauf kaufen mastercard in deutschland generika keine Verordnung billig versand aus levitra online mit rezept kosten. Seite 1 der Diskussion ‘Wer hat Erfahrungen mit Viagra. Das liegt daran, 2018. Verkaufen rezeptpflichtig unterschied zwischen wirkung … Continued

Protect Your Teeth While Playing Your Favorite Sports

Have you ever noticed how much you clench your teeth while you do your workout? There’s no denying that exercising benefits your health, but if you don’t take precautions, it might damage your teeth. If you are a sports enthusiast who wears athletic mouthguards in 29678, you should know how to make an effort to take … Continued

Fluoride Treatments: Are They Safe?

You might have seen a lot of famous brands of toothpaste boasting about having fluoride as the main ingredient. It might have left you wondering what fluoride actually is and why it is used as a main component of toothpaste. Fluoride treatments in Seneca do a great job of providing strength to the enamel, which … Continued

What Are Athletic Mouthguards?

Among the several causes of tooth loss, facial trauma and sports injuries fall in the top five. Most of these cases can be attributed to the lack of or improperly fitted and fabricated athletic mouthguards. Not only do they protect your teeth, but athletic mouthguards in 29678 can also protect your jaw. Athletic Mouthguards and … Continued
Hood Family Dentistry

Hood Family Dentistry